Food, Podcasts Elizabeth Fuller Food, Podcasts Elizabeth Fuller

Throwback Brewery

Episode 41: I took notes so you didn’t have to….today we are talking with Nicole from Throwback Brewery in NH

If you are in the NH area I highly recommend swinging by Throwback Brewery on the seacoast in North Hampton. They have some incredible beer, a great menu and just a beautiful spot to relax. So show them some love and swing by, say hi to those Golden Goats and Jane the donkey! And for everything that is going on at the brewery make sure you check out their events page.

Nicole and I chatted about a lot of things. She and her business partner, Annette, are such an inspirational entrepreneurs. They broke down doors and barriers in an industry that was completely dominate by men. They built an impressive business model and are being totally authentic to who they are. Sourcing 100% of their product for their beers within 200 miles of the brewery is no small task. They made a commitment to their business and brand to really following through with what their “why” is. Nicole made such a great point while we were talking about how being successful comes from being your most authentic self and really honing in on your “why”. You can have a great product, amazing packaging and a compelling brand but if you are missing that secret sauce of being authentic to who you are, well…it might not be as successful as it could’ve been.

Another thing that Nicole mentioned was really taking time to sharpen those soft skills. Finding your businesses core values, forming a team that is truly aligned with what you want to do with your business and taking care of those who are helping push your brand forward.

Beer Recipes:

I think this goes without saying, as we have chatted about this a few times but when you are cooking with beer watch out for beers with a high IBU, this indicates how bitter the beer will be. The higher the IBU the more bitter the beer will be and when its cooked down it will be amplified even more.

Now go forth and cook/eat some amazing food!!

Beth Fuller is a Boston based Food, Product and Lifestyle Photographer. One of the best ways to support the podcast and Beth is to write a review wherever you listen, like the podcast on your favorite platform and please keep Beth in mind for any photography projects as a gal has got to pay her bills!

If you have a question and want it to be featured on the podcast please email either the question or a voice memo to Are you on instagram? Tag me in your food adventures, @letsgoonafoodadventure. Do you want to work together with food and product photography, drop me a line here!



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Food, Podcasts Elizabeth Fuller Food, Podcasts Elizabeth Fuller

Pierogies, Poland and Phoode…Oh My!

Episode 40: I took notes so you didn’t have to….today we are talking with Marta from and creator of Phoode!

Marta is an incredible creative. She wears many hats in the Food Photography world. From being a Creative Director, to a world renowned food stylist and even a photographer. She has been in the industry for many years and saw that it was lacking a place for creative like minded folks in the industry to be able to network, be seen and possibly land a few jobs along the way. Enter, Phoode.

If you are in the industry in any capacity or looking to hire food creatives than I would really recommend checking the site out. Marta is currently looking for investors to take it to the next level so if you happen to have a lump sum of cash that you’re looking to do something amazing with you can connect with her here.

Food Stylist Must Haves…

How to use Phoode

  • On Phoode the best way to get seen is by labeling your photos correctly when you post them under your projects. Think beyond just what the subject is. How’s the lighting? What type of photography is this? What is it highlighting? You can only use so many of them so use them thoughtfully and wisely.

  • It’s quality not quantity on this site. This is not instagram. Post as often as you like but make sure you are posting the most high quality images that showcases your best work.

Recipes for some amazing Polish eats!

Now go forth and cook/eat some amazing food!!

Beth Fuller is a Boston based Food, Product and Lifestyle Photographer. One of the best ways to support the podcast and Beth is to write a review wherever you listen, like the podcast on your favorite platform and please keep Beth in mind for any photography projects as a gal has got to pay her bills!

If you have a question and want it to be featured on the podcast please email either the question or a voice memo to Are you on instagram? Tag me in your food adventures, @letsgoonafoodadventure. Do you want to work together with food and product photography, drop me a line here!



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Food, Podcasts Elizabeth Fuller Food, Podcasts Elizabeth Fuller


Episode 39: I took notes so you didn’t have to….today we are talking about leftovers….

Where do you stand on leftovers? I am one of those people who can do them for lunch the next day but that’s about it unless (of course there are exceptions to the rule) it’s been frozen and reheats well or if it can be transformed into something new. I am not one of those people who can eat the same thing every day or sometimes more than once a month, I know?! I need variety which lucky for me, my career allows me the freedom to let my palette run wild most days!

I did grow up in a household where we didn’t waste anything and as an adult I do my best to follow through with that. I mean don’t get me wrong, if I open the sour cream and see some blue fuzz in it, you better believe it’s going for a ride in the country. I am not a “scrape the top off and go for it” kind of gal. So now that we have that settled let’s just get right to a handful of recipes that I think work great with leftovers in your fridge!

Say you roasted a whole chicken or got a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store….

Alright so on to Quinoa…friend or foe?

I am of course kidding. Quinoa is a great powerhouse grain and good substitute for rice and other grains. It’s packed with protein and works in many different recipes. Just make sure to rinse it off really good first before you cook it! Here’s a few recipes to use it in or with!

Two proteins, one person, weeknight dinners…

Alright so say you live solo and you are trying to not buy too much when it comes to groceries and you are looking to also make one or two proteins stretch into a few meals. Let’s give this a go together!

First Protein: Ginger Garlic Sausage (raw in casing), I get these from my local meat share I do but I know you can find something just like this at your meat counter in your local grocery store.

Second Protein: Bacon (there are lot of great brands out there but spring for something good, thick cut)

1st Night: To serve one person with lunch the next day, cut this recipe in half. Take two of the ginger sausages out of the casings you are going to make this… Now keep in mind your pork sausage already has ginger and garlic in it but if you want to add more go for it. If you want it to be not as spicy keep the chilis at a minimum. I would serve this with some classic white or brown rice.

2nd Night: To serve one person with lunch the next day, cut this recipe in half. And I might make a small salad to go with this for me personally. Now should you use guanciale in this recipe, yes will bacon be ok…sure.

3rd Night: To serve one person with lunch the next day, cut this recipe in half. Use the other two sausages, out of their casings. This is a naked wonton soup. Your sausages again is already flavored but if you want to add more go right ahead. I would add both the shiitake and baby boy choy in this if it was me.

4th Night: This one you really can’t cut in half but you’d have breakfast for a few days after for sure and I would serve it with a crisp salad as well. Also get a premade pie crust from the store and save yourself some time.

5th Night: GO OUT or GET TAKE OUT! You cooked all week, you deserve it!

Ok and last but not least…Red Cabbage…Here's a few recipes I love!

Now go forth and cook/eat some amazing food!!

Beth Fuller is a Boston based Food, Product and Lifestyle Photographer. One of the best ways to support the podcast and Beth is to write a review wherever you listen, like the podcast on your favorite platform and please keep Beth in mind for any photography projects as a gal has got to pay her bills!

If you have a question and want it to be featured on the podcast please email either the question or a voice memo to Are you on instagram? Tag me in your food adventures, @letsgoonafoodadventure. Do you want to work together with food and product photography, drop me a line here!



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