Food, Podcasts Elizabeth Fuller Food, Podcasts Elizabeth Fuller

Just Incase You Missed It…Brunch and Breakfast Ideas

Episode 4 Season 2: I took notes so you didn’t have to….I thought it was be a lot of fun to take a trip down memory lane with a "just in case you missed it" episode dedicated to all things breakfast and brunch with some great ideas from previous episodes. Grab your mimosa or cup of coffee and let's get into it!

From Season 1 Episode 3, “A Healthyish Food Adventure” with Kristen Scontras

Frittata Recipe Ideas, Love and Lemons is a great place to start!

Dutch Baby Recipe from the Times, I make this at least once a month if not more. Also if you want to make the batter and save it for the morning it will totally keep in the fridge. Just give it a good whisk before you use it.

From Season 1 Episode 12, “Questions Questions Questions” with Mike Doyle

Spit in the Eye recipe

Egg Mc Doyles: it’s exactly what you think it is but better because it was made with a lot of love

  • English Muffins, Butter, Sharp Cheddar Cheese, Eggs and Taylor Ham or Canadian Bacon

    • Toast your English Muffin, Butter it, put the cheese in it (helps it melts a little more) and set it aside

    • Fry an egg, doyle like’s his over medium but you do you

    • Brown the taylor ham or Canadian bacon in the pan

    • Put the egg, ham and cheese all together in the english muffin and dive in!

From Season 1 Episode 9 “Baking…Mediative or Stress Inducing” with Vindi

Vindi, our baking expert/guru/goddess’s, can be found here and her instagram is @myloveofbaking and this is her Youtube channel. She has an amazing amount of recipes that explain, in detail, the how’s and why’s of what she’s baking. As Vindi’s says in our interview, READ THE WHOLE POST! Don’t just skip to the recipe as she has troubleshot a lot ahead of time for you and includes all that information. If you are interested in being a better baker and want to take a virtual class, check out her baking classes! I know I will be signing up for one this spring. Flour is important and she has done an amazing amount of research on her blog in this post.

Who wants to join me in trying to make her croissant recipe?!? Let’s do it together!

From Season 1 Episode 5, “Breakfast and her sassy drunk older sister Brunch” with Nick Johnston aka Poodle

Don’t forget to wish him a very happy birthday this week!!!

All things Oatmeal!

I always soak my oats ahead of time before cooking. It helps me digest them better but also lends to a creamier texture when I cook them. I personally like using about a 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and filtered water, jut enough to cover them with a little extra, give them a stir and put them in the fridge for the evening. In the morning, give them a good rinse and you are ready to cook them how you like. If you want to add a little extra protein to your oats I love adding an egg white or two.

Adding egg whites to your oatmeal:

  • I use about 1/4 of cup of fresh egg whites

You want to add these in the last step of cooking your oatmeal. Once the oatmeal is cooked to your liking, pull it off the heat and start whisking your oatmeal with a balloon whisk, and slowly drizzle in your egg white. Once everything is incorporated and you’ve whisked well, you are all set! Top away!

Fun oatmeal topping ideas:

  • canned organic pumpkin, vanilla bean paste, pumpkin pie spice, tiny bit of maple syrup and top with toasted chopped pecans

  • apples that have been sautéed with cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice and tiny bit of butter, add a little extra cinnamon to the oatmeal, brown sugar and toasted sliced almonds

  • medjool dates, vanilla bean paste, tiny bit of cinnamon, nutmeg, maple syrup (if the dates aren’t sweet enough for you) and top with toasted chopped walnuts or pecans

  • for a savory twist add in a little cheddar cheese, salt, pepper and top with a poached egg, sliced avocado and a little bit of chili crisp

  • the berries of your choice, a little extra milk of your choice (to drizzle in at the end), agave or honey and topped with sliced almonds (kind of like a berries and cream sort of feel)

  • a little fresh squeezed orange juice, orange zest, a handful of really good dark chocolate, I love Valrhona.

  • sliced banana, medjool dates, chopped toasted pecans, cinnamon and a tiny bit of brown sugar

Other Breakfast Ideas: (both eggy and not eggy!)

Smoothie Ideas: everything starts with 1/2 of a frozen organic banana, whatever milk you like (just fill the blender up just past the ingredients, you can always add more.) and a scoop of this protein powder…I adore it, it tastes amazing and all the flavors have been winners for me! Blend AWAY!

  • 1/4 cup of frozen mango, frozen pineapple, frozen young coconut (I found some in my frozen fruit aisle at the grocery store) and two handfuls of fresh organic baby spinach

  • 1/4 cup of organic canned pumpkin, shot of espresso, 1- 2 tablespoons of maple syrup (adjust for your taste), 1 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice mix and 1/2 cup of ice cubes

  • 1 cup of frozen wild blueberries, strawberries, raspberries or a mix of berries

  • 1/2 cup of frozen strawberries and 1/4 of frozen mango

  • 2 pitted dates, 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla, pinch of fresh nutmeg, 1/2 teaspoon of fresh grated ginger, 1 peeled and chopped carrot, 2 tablespoons of chopped shredded coconut, minimalist baker has a great recipe here!

Because I have now made this four times…here’s the dutch baby from episode three’s interview with my trainer and good friend Kristen!

Quinoa for breakfast?! Yes! Here’s a great recipe from love and lemons, we love them and food and wine, we love them too!

And I know what you’re thinking… “Beth, now I have extra ricotta from the food and wine recipe. What should I do with it?” Oh let’s make some ricotta breakfast toast!!

It starts with some really good bread…toast it…

In a bowl mix in about 3/4 cup of ricotta, 2 tablespoons of liquid sweetener, i.e. honey, maple syrup, agave… (adjust to your tastes) and then here’s where it gets fun. Is it berry season? Great let’s add in a little lemon zest and then schmear this the toast and top with fresh sliced berries or if you are using frozen, great! Jus thaw them out and cool them then top the toast with the berries. Ok it’s not berry season, no problem. Do you like cinnamon and sugar? Put some cinnamon in the ricotta and then top the toast with some fresh sliced figs or dates or bananas and sliced toasted almonds or are you obsessed with the vanilla bean or lemon paste? Put that in! And then go with a berry direction again or toasted chopped nuts. Honestly have fun and be creative!

Yogurt parfaits…here’s the granola I like but honestly there are so many great brands out there so you do you or make your own with one of Minimalist Bakers!

We spoke with my brother from another mother, Nick, aka Poodle aka Nicky! Tomorrow happens to be his birthday so if you see him on social media or gay twitter make sure you wish him a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Love you so much!

Let’s talk brunch cocktails:

  • The executive mimosa, girl you do you and put in whatever vodka tickles your fancy but here’s a recipe to get you started. Also heed Nick’s warning..too many of these at gay brunch may lead to going on out a sunday night which may lead to domino’s at 2am and then waking up the next day calling in sick to work but everyone needs a story to tell so again girl you do you. No judgement here!

  • Wanna do a mimosa flight? Here’s a massive list of ideas! Pick three and get those glasses ready. Didn’t someone say variety is the spice of life?

  • My favorite for any time of day is the Aperol Spritz…LOVE IT! Or a Paloma…I adore tequila, even at brunch.

  • Pineapple Cosmo? Yep…it’s a thing. Here’s a good recipe.

Now go forth and cook/eat some amazing food!!

Beth Fuller is a Boston based Food, Product and Lifestyle Photographer. One of the best ways to support the podcast and Beth is to write a review wherever you listen, like the podcast on your favorite platform and please keep Beth in mind for any photography projects as a gal has got to pay her bills!

If you have a question and want it to be featured on the podcast please email either the question or a voice memo to Are you on instagram? Tag me in your food adventures, @letsgoonafoodadventure. Do you want to work together with food and product photography, drop me a line here!



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Food, Podcasts Elizabeth Fuller Food, Podcasts Elizabeth Fuller

A Bite Sized Episode with My Mama

Episode 3 Season 2: I took notes so you didn’t have to….today I am doing a bite sized episode answering some of your listener questions with a little help from my mama!

This week it’s my mom’s birthday so I thought it would be very fitting to have her come on the podcast and help me answer some of your listener questions. So let’s just jump right into it!

A handful of Mexican Recipes

We love Mexican food in our house. I probably make something Mexican almost once a week and I am not just talking tacos or enchiladas. A few weeks ago one of my closest friends had dinner with his husband and his husband ate a dish that he said, “was the best Mexican dish he’s ever had”. When someone says that I know I HAVE to try and make it. So….ENFRIJOLADAS OAXAQUENAS. It’s simple but incredibly tasty. Take your time and make this. You won’t be disappointed.

I can’t stress enough, Mexico is a beautiful large country with a lot of diversity in cuisine. For many years I vacationed down in Playa Del Carmen as well as the Baja and fell in love with a lot of the food from those regions. So do some googling and your taste buds will thank you!

Her favorite veggie bowl

My mom’s favorite veggie bowl is flexible. It can be served hot, cold. You can use whatever grain base you like…quinoa, brown rice, white rice, cous cous, pearled cous cous, cauliflower rice, noodles, zoodles or greens. Roasted whatever veggies you like and have on hand. My mom also loves putting beets in this. Those kind that you get in the produce section of your grocery store that are already cooked and vacuumed sealed. For protein, you can use whatever beans you like chickpeas, black beans, cannellini beans or maybe you love tofu or chicken, shrimp, steak (which I know are not veggie friendly) but whatever you love. Now for the sauce…She has been very into this Tzatziki style sauce which she thins out into a dressing with a little cucumber water. Or I love any of these tahini based sauces too!

A few sweet bite ideas

My mom is a massive fan of stewing some fresh apples with baking spices (think cinnamon, nutmeg, clove etc…) or if you have pumpkin pie spice blend this is a good place to use it. Grab some fresh apples, core them, peel them and chop them up into larger chunk. Place them in a pot with a tiny bit of water (tiny bit) and cook them on the stove on low to medium heat until they begin to break down, I prefer mine a little more chunky as she does too but you do you. Then mix in whatever baking spices you like. I let this cool and either put it in a Tupperware in the fridge or a portion it out and put it in the freezer. When you’re ready to eat it heat up a portion in your microwave until it’s warm. I add in 1/2 tsp of light brown sugar and possibly even a squirt of whipped cream out of a can. Bam! Sweet treat done!

The other thing I love to is make cookie dough from whatever recipe I am in the mood to have. I follow the recipe all the way through to just before you place the cookies in the oven and instead I put them in the freezer, portioned out on a parchment lined sheet pan. Let them freeze solid and put them in a zip lock bag. Then when I am ready to bake one or two after dinner I have some fresh cookies but don’t need to eat an entire batch. I also usually make them much smaller than the recipe calls for so I can stretch the recipe more.

Have a dirty pan and can’t get it clean

Personally I love using Bar Keepers Friend. It really works well for me when I am trying to get stubborn burn bits off my pans. My mom swears by heating up some baking soda, water and a little white vinegar in the pan on the stove. Let it bubble and boil and if it gets on your stove even better (twofer in the cleaning). The burn bits should start bubbling up and off the pan and they should float freely in the pan so all you have to do is wipe it clean! And if the mixture splashed on your stove or counter top then you can wipe it clean as well.

Now go forth and cook/eat some amazing food!!

Beth Fuller is a Boston based Food, Product and Lifestyle Photographer. One of the best ways to support the podcast and Beth is to write a review wherever you listen, like the podcast on your favorite platform and please keep Beth in mind for any photography projects as a gal has got to pay her bills!

If you have a question and want it to be featured on the podcast please email either the question or a voice memo to Are you on instagram? Tag me in your food adventures, @letsgoonafoodadventure. Do you want to work together with food and product photography, drop me a line here!



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Food, Podcasts Elizabeth Fuller Food, Podcasts Elizabeth Fuller

Bonjour Mes Amis, Part Une and Deux!

Episode 1 and 2, Season 2: I took notes so you didn’t have to….today we are back to kick off Season 2 with the FABULOUSLY amazing Andrew Prior in two parter! We were having so much fun we had to split up the convo into two episodes!

Andrew is just an incredible human. You meet him and you instantly fall head over heels in love with everything about him. He’s been on Master Chef Australia, he has a wonderful podcast dedicated to all things French and a youtube channel you shouldn’t miss called Cooking Fabulously.

There are so many things we chat about which is why I decided to do a two parter because I wanted you to savory and enjoy our conversation as much as I did.

So you want to be on a a cooking tv show like Top Chef, Master Chef, Chopped or something else. Andrew has some great tips!

  • Be yourself! Be your most authentic self

  • Try to calm your nerves. Most likely the casting producers don’t want to see you cry unless they “make you” cry for tv drama

  • And really try to not put all your eggs in one basket. Honestly if you can go into with a care free attitude then I can promise you no matter what happens you will have a good time.

Andrew mentioned a few great short cuts if you are looking to make say a Cassoulet at home but don’t have the time.

  • Buy a lovely piece of Duck Confit (save yourself the trouble of making this part yourself) and lovely sausage from a great butcher

  • Put all your focus into the sauce and the beans. Used good dried beans here, not canned. It’s worth the extra step

Andrew ‘s Top 5 must do things in France, in no specific order:

  • Go see and up the Eiffel Tower in Paris

  • Go to Lyon and one of Paul Bocuse Restaurants (there are a few to pick from)

  • Head down to see Andrew in the countryside and do a tour with him!

  • Take a trip to Brittany and have some Cider and Camembert Cheese

  • Travel by train throughout France. You see the country in such a beautiful and different way!

Now Andrew has a lot of passion for all things culinary and especially French cuisine. So I wanted to highlight a few of my favorite french inspired recipes below!

Now go forth and cook/eat some amazing food!!

Beth Fuller is a Boston based Food, Product and Lifestyle Photographer. One of the best ways to support the podcast and Beth is to write a review wherever you listen, like the podcast on your favorite platform and please keep Beth in mind for any photography projects as a gal has got to pay her bills!

If you have a question and want it to be featured on the podcast please email either the question or a voice memo to Are you on instagram? Tag me in your food adventures, @letsgoonafoodadventure. Do you want to work together with food and product photography, drop me a line here!



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