A Bite Sized Episode with My Mama

Episode 3 Season 2: I took notes so you didn’t have to….today I am doing a bite sized episode answering some of your listener questions with a little help from my mama!

This week it’s my mom’s birthday so I thought it would be very fitting to have her come on the podcast and help me answer some of your listener questions. So let’s just jump right into it!

A handful of Mexican Recipes

We love Mexican food in our house. I probably make something Mexican almost once a week and I am not just talking tacos or enchiladas. A few weeks ago one of my closest friends had dinner with his husband and his husband ate a dish that he said, “was the best Mexican dish he’s ever had”. When someone says that I know I HAVE to try and make it. So….ENFRIJOLADAS OAXAQUENAS. It’s simple but incredibly tasty. Take your time and make this. You won’t be disappointed.

I can’t stress enough, Mexico is a beautiful large country with a lot of diversity in cuisine. For many years I vacationed down in Playa Del Carmen as well as the Baja and fell in love with a lot of the food from those regions. So do some googling and your taste buds will thank you!

Her favorite veggie bowl

My mom’s favorite veggie bowl is flexible. It can be served hot, cold. You can use whatever grain base you like…quinoa, brown rice, white rice, cous cous, pearled cous cous, cauliflower rice, noodles, zoodles or greens. Roasted whatever veggies you like and have on hand. My mom also loves putting beets in this. Those kind that you get in the produce section of your grocery store that are already cooked and vacuumed sealed. For protein, you can use whatever beans you like chickpeas, black beans, cannellini beans or maybe you love tofu or chicken, shrimp, steak (which I know are not veggie friendly) but whatever you love. Now for the sauce…She has been very into this Tzatziki style sauce which she thins out into a dressing with a little cucumber water. Or I love any of these tahini based sauces too!

A few sweet bite ideas

My mom is a massive fan of stewing some fresh apples with baking spices (think cinnamon, nutmeg, clove etc…) or if you have pumpkin pie spice blend this is a good place to use it. Grab some fresh apples, core them, peel them and chop them up into larger chunk. Place them in a pot with a tiny bit of water (tiny bit) and cook them on the stove on low to medium heat until they begin to break down, I prefer mine a little more chunky as she does too but you do you. Then mix in whatever baking spices you like. I let this cool and either put it in a Tupperware in the fridge or a portion it out and put it in the freezer. When you’re ready to eat it heat up a portion in your microwave until it’s warm. I add in 1/2 tsp of light brown sugar and possibly even a squirt of whipped cream out of a can. Bam! Sweet treat done!

The other thing I love to is make cookie dough from whatever recipe I am in the mood to have. I follow the recipe all the way through to just before you place the cookies in the oven and instead I put them in the freezer, portioned out on a parchment lined sheet pan. Let them freeze solid and put them in a zip lock bag. Then when I am ready to bake one or two after dinner I have some fresh cookies but don’t need to eat an entire batch. I also usually make them much smaller than the recipe calls for so I can stretch the recipe more.

Have a dirty pan and can’t get it clean

Personally I love using Bar Keepers Friend. It really works well for me when I am trying to get stubborn burn bits off my pans. My mom swears by heating up some baking soda, water and a little white vinegar in the pan on the stove. Let it bubble and boil and if it gets on your stove even better (twofer in the cleaning). The burn bits should start bubbling up and off the pan and they should float freely in the pan so all you have to do is wipe it clean! And if the mixture splashed on your stove or counter top then you can wipe it clean as well.

Now go forth and cook/eat some amazing food!!

Beth Fuller is a Boston based Food, Product and Lifestyle Photographer. One of the best ways to support the podcast and Beth is to write a review wherever you listen, like the podcast on your favorite platform and please keep Beth in mind for any photography projects as a gal has got to pay her bills!

If you have a question and want it to be featured on the podcast please email either the question or a voice memo to letsgoonafoodadventure@gmail.com. Are you on instagram? Tag me in your food adventures, @letsgoonafoodadventure. Do you want to work together with food and product photography, drop me a line here!




Just Incase You Missed It…Brunch and Breakfast Ideas


Bonjour Mes Amis, Part Une and Deux!