Living a more Sustainable Life Part One and Two

Episode 5 and 6 Season 2: I took notes so you didn’t have to….Today we have Carl from the Self Sufficient Hub podcast talking about what it means to be more self sufficient, living off the land, reducing your carbon foot print and so much more!

As Carl says so beautifully, “Every mistake is a fantastic learning experience”

So you have been thinking, “What can I do to help the environment?” or maybe “Lower my carbon foot print in the world?” or even just want to start growing fresh herbs in your kitchen. I know it can feel a little like an uphill climb when you dive into the world of change. But I know from doing this first hand that even the smallest changes can create big impacts. For example I remember a few years ago I wanted to start to run a 5k. I hadn’t run in years and even when I did it wasn’t very far let alone 5k. I loved walking, always have, but never running. I picked a race a few months away and started my training. The first few days I was just excited to be out in the world “doing it”. Then shit got real about day 5 of “training” and I reverted into that 8 year old who just ‘didn’t wanna!’. Rather than giving into my own personal temper tantrum in my head I decided to just put on my shoes and put one foot in front of the other. It didn’t matter how far I went or how fast I was or wasn’t going it was that I was going to do it. And every day when doubt would creep in I would just tell myself to put one foot in front of the other and try.

I ran 4 5k’s over the next two years and was really proud of myself for not giving up. My point in all of this is when you think the task ahead feels IMPOSSIBLE or too big for one person, well….just try to do one small thing. Anything and one more small thing and one more after that…just keep going and I promise you. I PROMISE you that you will look back and see that it’s a HUGE difference with time. This is a marathon people, not a sprint. Wow that was a lot of running/walking analogies.

Alright, Carl, Carl is here on the podcast today inspiring me and hopefully many of you to start by even doing just a few small things to make big changes in our lives. Check out his podcast, Youtube and patron page for more information!

We dive into a lot in our conversation and one of things we talked about was PermaCulutre and what that means. Our friends at Masterclass define this as, “Permaculture gardening is based on the concept of designing your garden around your local environment. ... Permaculture gardening also focuses heavily on gradually building up soil quality with nutrients so that you're constantly rejuvenating the earth as you strengthen the health of your plants”

Carl says to google, “what will grow (insert where you live) and the (season) you plan on growing in”. Planning a year round garden does take some planning on your end and learning how to do succession gardening. The farmer almanac has a great resource here.

Carl loves to go forging for mushrooms. There’s a lot to learn when it comes to finding wild mushrooms. And as he says, “Don’t munch on a hunch”. Before you get going on your forging we both highly recommend educating yourself on what’s an edible mushroom in your area. Pick one or two you’d like to search for and focus on JUST trying to find those. Also if at all possible go with an expert in your area at first or second time you go out because again, “NEVER MUNCH ON A HUNCH”

Carl has some great tips on what you can do even on a smaller scale to be a little bit more sustainable in your current life.

So space is an issue? What about a table/counter top compost bin like this one or if you have a little bit more space and a little outdoor space this one is great too.

Do you want to grow a few things but aren’t sure where to start or no outdoor space? Little pots in your kitchen or a place that has some sunlight in your home or apartment can easily grow an herb or two. Small cherry tomatoes and strawberries also do well in pots inside.

Have kids and want to get them more involved with being sustainable…try a point system in your home. If the kids want to use an iPad or be online, set a certain amount of “points” they need to use their devices or whatever they like to do. They can get the points by helping out with sustainable tasks. It’s a way to get into learning how to be more sustainable and also how to budget and spend with their points.

Are you looking to visit England and would like to know where to go? Carl suggests checking out Cornwall, North Wales and the Peak District ( a beautiful national park in England). I would like to add to the list to check out Cotswold. It’s BEAUTIFUL and very picturesque British countryside.

Now go forth and cook/eat some amazing food!!

Beth Fuller is a Boston based Food, Product and Lifestyle Photographer. One of the best ways to support the podcast and Beth is to write a review wherever you listen, like the podcast on your favorite platform and please keep Beth in mind for any photography projects as a gal has got to pay her bills!

If you have a question and want it to be featured on the podcast please email either the question or a voice memo to Are you on instagram? Tag me in your food adventures, @letsgoonafoodadventure. Do you want to work together with food and product photography, drop me a line here!




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