Meat and the bigger picture of it all….

Episode 11: I took notes so you didn’t have to….We talked about the following in this episode….Meat! We are talking all things meat with our incredibly special guest, founder of Walden Local Meat, Charley Cummings.

Meat, we are talking all about meat today. Meat is important to me, it’s important in the sense that to me it’s more than just a meal. It’s more than just fuel for my body or something that “tastes good”. It’s deeper than that. There’s so much more to the story, isn’t there always?! But really where your meat comes from, how the animals are treated, the impact it all has on the environment and your body is huge. Bigger than I can even begin to fully discuss here and I encourage you all to do a little more reading and research of your own. I think said it very well, “The climate impact of meat is enormous – roughly equivalent to all the driving and flying of every car, truck and plane in the world. When forests are destroyed to produce industrial meat, billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere, accelerating global warming.”

So maybe you’re thinking, “I like meat. How can I eat it responsibly still?” Great question! I asked the same one which is why I came to this conclusion for myself, eat less of it, eat humanly, pasture raised, grass-fed and meat. Eating less is key though. Can you maybe not eat meat for breakfast and lunch? Save it for dinner? Or maybe it’s more than that and you only eat it on the weekends? Those small changes will make a big impact long term. Avoiding factory farmed meat at all costs is key.

I hope this helps spark something in you that may help you make a small change in your life. Because honestly it’s not about perfection or making MASSIVE changes. It’s these small little steps that make the most difference because when you look back over time, wether you realize it or not, you have made a difference, a tangible difference in this world and that my friends is what’s it’s about.

Easy dinners that can be customizable:

I think when it comes to feeding a group of people (kids, adults, whomever) it’s so much easier to do a “make your own” style meal. That way everyone can get what they want and you didn’t have to make four different meals which honestly you should NEVER have to do.


Let’s talk about different cuts of meat:

  • The Shank: Beef, Veal, Lamb, Pork…all of them are delish and all need a little time. Slow and low with this cut. Think Osso Bucco

  • Short Ribs: Beef: Again low and slow…like this Garlic and Red Wine Braised Short Ribs or this one.

  • Bavette: Beef: this is very similar to flank steak and dare I say, even better. Quick marinade or not and just grill it as you would flank steak but remember to cut it against the grain! I just made this Grilled Bavette Steak with Whiskey Peppercorn Sauce the other day and it was delish!

  • Pork Butt, Boston Butt, Pork Shoulder, Picnic Shoulder: All come around the same place on the pig. The shoulder or just below but not the bum like you may think with a couple of these names. This cut is something that works well with the slow and low method. Put a good rub on this and smoke with some great wood chips or pop it in a slow cooker or instant pot with citrus, cumin, a little stock, salt and pepper to make a great latin flavored pork! But try out this Serious Eats recipe to get you started and then pick your flavors!

Dinner Shortcut Ideas:

  • Get take out, seriously give yourself a night off cooking and support a local place. Why not?! I am giving you permission! Go on a take out food adventure.

  • Ok you want to cook? Get a roasted chicken from the grocery store! While you’re there get a pre-made or pre-bagged salad and BAM dinner is done. Or do you have some veggies at home? Make a cold noodle asian salad with your chicken! Or chicken enchiladas, tacos, soup, really honestly any recipe that calls for chicken, sub in this roasted chicken and dinner is almost done! Or at least it’ll save you about 15 minutes and clean up is that much easier.

  • Open a can of tuna and make this toast, I have now had it three times!

  • Want an easy soup? This Wonton Soup is great!

Our guest this week is the founder of Walden Local Meat, Charley Cummings. If you live in MA, ME, NH, Parts of NJ, NY and CT, you really should check them out! We have been members for about 4 years now and absolutely love it. We love their products, their ethos and most of all just knowing we are doing a little bit more of the environment makes all the difference to us. As the company says on their site, “Our intention is to link our re-emerging local agricultural economy to you. Behind every cut is a network of farmers, butchers and laborers dedicated to using best practices from a health, environmental, and ethical perspective. Beginning with the farmer moving her chickens to fresh pasture each dawn and ending with our members enjoying locally grown meals—there’s a community of us who believe in the power of linking our land to our food.” That sounds pretty darn good to me!

Now go forth and cook some amazing food!!

Beth Fuller is a Boston based Food, Product and Lifestyle Photographer. One of the best ways to support the podcast and Beth is to write a review wherever you listen, like the podcast on your favorite platform and please keep Beth in mind for any photography projects as a gal has got to pay her bills!

If you have a question and want it to be featured on the podcast please email either the question or a voice memo to Are you on instagram? Tag me in your food adventures, @letsgoonafoodadventure. Do you want to work together with food and product photography, drop me a line here!




Questions, Questions and More Questions!

