The “B Team” Fruits & Veggies

Episode 24: I took notes so you didn’t have to….Today we are talking all about the “B Team” Fruits & Veggies, what to do with them and our guest is Rob from the Friday Food Market!

Friday Food Market is such a cool concept for a company! What is it you ask, well…they describe their company best on their site, “Our mission is to make fresh produce delivery affordable. We currently work with local food distributors in Boston who supply us with excess, ugly, and #2 produce at steep discounts. We quality-check them to ensure that all produce is fresh and delicious. We then put them up for sale on our website and deliver them to your home next-day.” I love that they use local vendors here in the Boston, they are helping the environment, eliminating waste and servicing our local community in a beautiful way! Check out their instagram and website! And now they are open 7 days a week! At the time of this recording they were only open 3 days a week but now it’s 7! YAY!

Too many bananas? I got you! Below are some great banana recipes!

Fruits and Veggie Recipes: for those fruits & veggies that have been on the side lines and “benched” all week for one reason or another. No judgement! I do it too. I always have the best intentions to make dinners all week and do a big grocery shop at the beginning of the week but then life happens and take out happens so those veggies and recipe ideas sometimes go to shit. SO what do you do with those fruits and veggies who are looking a little sad? Check out a few recipes below!

  • Quick Pickled Veggies for this veggies (any veggies) who are looking a little sad and then will keep in your fridge longer!

  • Super Easy Veggie Stir Fry (add whatever protein you’d like)

  • Vegetable Curry Ideas, there are so many out there in the world!

  • Haitian Pikliz, the best spicy condiment you’ve most likely never had…so make it!

  • Vegetarian Taco Ideas, who doesn’t love tacos?!?

  • Cilantro Lime Slaw, use this on fish tacos or even as a side dish for your backyard BBQ

  • Avocado Crema, goes good with everything

  • Pasta Sauce Recipe, for those tomatoes who don’t make the cut for a salad

  • Nectarine Tart, great for plums, peaches and any stone fruit! I put a tiny bit of almond flour and cornstarch at the bottom of the cooked tart shell before I put the fruit in to help soak up a little bit of the fruit. So first put the jam layer down then sprinkle about a tablespoon of almond flour mixed with a teaspoon of corn starch.

  • Tomato Tart for any tomatoes B team or otherwise

  • Crispy Vegetable Fritters and maybe make that avocado crema with it too!!

Now go forth and cook some amazing food!!

Beth Fuller is a Boston based Food, Product and Lifestyle Photographer. One of the best ways to support the podcast and Beth is to write a review wherever you listen, like the podcast on your favorite platform and please keep Beth in mind for any photography projects as a gal has got to pay her bills!

If you have a question and want it to be featured on the podcast please email either the question or a voice memo to Are you on instagram? Tag me in your food adventures, @letsgoonafoodadventure. Do you want to work together with food and product photography, drop me a line here!




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